简介:详情Cemal, a lonely hearse driver, has to transport the body of a young woman who has been murdered to her parents' home. During the trip, however, the body comes to life and when he sees her, Cemal falls in love with the undead woman. This is when he begins to commit murders in order to feed her, even if it means having to deal with the police's attempts to capture a serial killer..有时候,一个微笑,比千言万语还要动人。...
Cemal, a lonely hearse driver, has to transport the body of a young woman who has been murdered to her parents' home. During the trip, however, the body comes to life and when he sees her, Cemal falls in love with the undead woman. This is when he begins to commit murders in order to feed her, even if it means having to deal with the police's attempts to capture a serial killer..有时候,一个微笑,比千言万语还要动人。
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